“The Reveal,” curated by Jenn Rogien, costume designer for HBO’s “Girls” and Netflix’s “Orange is the New Black,” is a multi-faceted activation and self-guided presentation.  Show attendees will get a sneak peek at the hottest looks chosen from hundreds of vendors exhibiting at the December New York Shoe Expo.the-reveal-recap

Maria Strauss wears the MIA Zori (here). Add your own personal flare and DIY your pair!


COLOR RESET is a color story highlighting the “best of” the fall/winter 17/18 color themes that are fashion-forward in style and silhouette. EMBELLISHMENT showcases the best of the opulent, adorned, bejeweled and sculptured footwear available. FANTASY the truly avant-garde of footwear design, these (un)wearable art pieces include shoes that spark the imagination and push the limits. MIXED MEDIA mixed media is all about the mash-up. SOLE FOCUS focuses on the bottom of the shoe—the cool, interesting, and functional. TECH SPEC highlighting the use of technology in footwear, these styles incorporate emerging technologies and new materials. TEXTURE texture is all about footwear that makes us want to touch and wear it.

mia shoes

Check out the video footage from the #FFANY #TheReveal:

the reveal ffany

Get the best from the trendsetters at MIA Shoes!

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